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Farmer Profile

Farmer Profile: Fily Camara

Fily Camara works as a peanut farmer in Souarécounda, Senegal during the summer harvest and as a hairdresser the rest of the year. She joined myAgro after seeing how even farmers with small plots of land earned good harvests last year through our program. This week, she was elected one of two myAgro “Farmers of the Month”. We are very excited that, for the first time, both winners were women!

Fily met her savings goals to plant her peanut fields a full two months before planting season begins. As a result, she won a small prize and her picture will be posted in the local boutique as a celebration of her success and an encouragement to other farmers to save early.

Her peanut harvest will help feed her family and raise income to pay for their expenses. As for most farm families, the year’s harvest represents all their hopes and aspirations. “It’s always important to have dreams for your family,” Fily said as she received her award. “My hopes for my family are that they have lots of money, enough to solve all my children’s problems. Enough for their school fees and enough for food and, most important, enough to be able to care for them if they are sick.”

We asked Fily what she will do now that she finished saving for her package. Her response? Stop worrying about whether she’ll be able to buy seeds this year and instead just wait for her delivery to arrive. Oh, and she’ll encourage other farmers to save up too.